The game features some gameplay elements that resemble features in other first-person shooters. The heads-up display (HUD) shows the player character's helmet, with a tactical visor. The player acts as squad leader of a squad of four elite troops. The squadmate order system allows the player general tactical control over the three non-player characters (NPCs) squadmates that round out the four-man commando team. Many objects in the game environment will highlight when the crosshair is placed over them. The player can then press the "use" key to issue an order automatically associated with the object; for example, a sealed door may highlight with a synchronized team breach-and-clear command, or a computer console might have a "slice" (computer hacking) command, while a pile of cargo boxes suitable for a cover position with good vantage may provide a "take up Sniper/Anti-Armor position" command. Where possible, the squadmates will usually take their preferred roles (sniper, demolitions and technical). The player can order the squad to move to secure any position (wherever the crosshair is pointed), or perform search-and-destroy. There are orders to command the squadmates to group up or spread out according to the player's discretion for the situation.
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In single-player mode, the player and squadmates do not die when they run out of health, but rather are incapacitated. If the player character is downed, the player can order the squad members to attempt to revive the player or to continue with their current orders. Therefore, the game is only truly over when the player and all members of the squad are incapacitated at once or if the player is downed in a position their squadmates cannot reach (such as chasms). Certain missions may require squad members to split up to accomplish various isolated objectives, and in such scenarios, where the player is operating alone, losing all the player's health also results in a game over. While reviving a downed commando restores a small amount of health, bacta charging stations are necessary to fully regain it.
If these are the questions you are asking yourself, you have come to the right place. We love Star Wars books so much that we have put together all the resources that might be of help to you. We will also clear the common confusion between the canon and the legends to make it fun and easy to navigate Star Wars books in order.
The best way to read the Star Wars books in order is by following the chronological order. The story starts all the way back more than 20,000 years before A New Hope, although there are books that exist that are written more than a few hundred years in the past.
The truth is, that after the Sand River Convention, the most completeanarchy existed among the Transvaal Boers; and that as much after thepromulgation of their Constitution of 1857 as before. The republicans ofPotchefstroom had taken the title of The South African Republic, buttheir Raad maintained authority only over a small district; Lydenburg,Zoutpansberg, Utrecht, formed themselves into independent republics. Itis estimated that, at that time, the entire population of the Transvaalconsisted of 8,000 Boers; admitting that this number comprised only theyoung men and adults capable of bearing arms, and old men, then eachrepublic would be composed, approximately, of 2,000 men. On the death ofAndries Pretorius and of[Pg 19] Potgieter, who hated each other like poison,the son of Pretorius conceived the design of making himself master ofthe Orange Free State, so as to secure to himself later on the foremostposition in the Transvaal. A war was on the point of breaking out, butcame to nothing, as Pretorius hastily recrossed the frontier in the faceof an advance by Boshof, the Free State President, at the head of acommando. This action, which demonstrated that his courage and resourcewere less lofty than his ambition, did not however prevent his beingelected President of the South African Republic. In 1860 the union tookplace.
Overtures were made to Mr. Brand, President of the Orange Free State;but he wisely refused. They next turned to a Cape Afrikander, a formerminister of the Dutch Reformed Church, Mr. F. Burgers, a capable,intelligent man. It was his desire to correct abuses; to repress theslavery that was being carried on under the name of "apprenticeship"; tointroduce railways and schools; he claimed the right to imposetaxation, he got to be credited, in the long run, with the belief that[Pg 21]the devil's tail was not as long as it is represented in the old Biblepictures. When the Boers were defeated by Sekukuni, they looked upon itas a punishment from God for having a "free thinker" for President. Thecommandos disbanded themselves. At the same time Cetewayo, the ZuluChief, was threatening the Boers in the south. Caught between two fires,without resources or organisation, annihilation was before them. Now theEnglish, for their own security, had the greatest interest in preventingthe extermination of white men by natives; and on that ground, apartfrom all sentimentality, they had never ceased to protest against themethods employed by the Boers, as the surest means of bringing aboutthat result. Theophilus Shepstone, who possessed great influence overthe Zulus, was sent to Pretoria. Unable, even with the help of theirPresident, to bring any order into the Government of the Transvaal, heended by annexing it on 12th April, 1877. He annexed it in order to saveit. Had the English abandoned it to itself, the Boer territory wouldhave been occupied by Basutos and the Zulus, and the Boers would havedisappeared from the face of the earth. 2ff7e9595c